Squaw no More

By: The Common Constitutionalist

How might you find Elizabeth Warren? Just look for the Trail of Tears. (buh-dum-bum)

Yes, by now we’ve all heard the claim by Massachusetts democrat candidate for Senator, Elizabeth Warren, that, due to her high cheek bones, she was 1/32 Cherokee Indian and thus claimed minority status as a Law Professor.


Well it turns out that’s not quite accurate. As a matter of fact, it’s about as inaccurate as one might be, unless she made the claim on that well-known holiday,  “Opposite Day”.

See, one of her ancestors, although not an indian himself was directly involved with the Cherokee…mainly slaughtering them.

Paul Reed, a Utah genealogist who is a fellow at the American Genealogical Society, said he found primary documentation that shows Warren’s great-great-great grandfather Jonathan Crawford served in a Tennessee militia unit that rounded up Cherokees before they were force-marched to Oklahoma in the infamous “Trail of Tears.”

He was Militia member? Did he own a gun? Hope he had a permit. Sorry, couldn’t resist.

Thousand of Indians died from exposure and malnutrition on that trail, mandated by the  heartless “Indian removal Act” of 1830, signed by that evil bastard, Andrew Jackson.

“Jonathan H. Crawford did serve in the Indian wars,” said Reed. “He is listed as serving in the company that rounded up Cherokees.”

In my opinion, this is just another example of elitist arrogance. These folks have been protected by the media and housed safely in their academic cocoons for so long, they believe they can do or say anything without ever being questioned. She could have said that she stowed away in the Apollo moon lander and the only question to her might be, “How was the food”? 

When someone finally does question them, they become belligerent and try to deflect attention onto someone else. In this case, her republican opponent, Senator Scott Brown, asking why he keeps on this topic. She complains he should stick to the issues and no one in the media ever bothers to remind her that she was the one who started this whole indian nonsense.

About thecommonconstitutionalist

Brent is not a scholar. He’s not an author or speaker (yet). He hasn’t published a book nor does he write articles for magazines (yet). He has no advanced literary degree or pedigree (never will). He is just an American who writes and shares what interests him. He cares about the salvation of this country and a return to its Constitutional roots. He believes in God, country and family.
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2 Responses to Squaw no More

  1. Bruce says:

    What did Michele Malkin call her? Sac-e-wa-whiner. hahahahaha

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