Submit an Article

Fancy yourself an author, columnist or commentator without your own blog or outlet for those important thoughts burning to get out.

Well, feel free to submit that breaking story or bombshell revelation to me. If it doesn’t suck and interests me in the slightest, I’ll publish your masterpiece here!

Heck, even if does suck, but has potential, I may choose to clean it up and publish it.

Try to keep the subject matter within the general purview of this site.

Simply submit your genious to

Ideally, it should be between 300 and 1000 words. Accompanying photos or pictures are not required. I can always add them if I feel the need.

I will edit or change things as I see fit. If you prefer I not, please let me know. If I change the content somewhat, I will forward the draft to you for approval.

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